Source code for mycelyso.pilyso.misc.processpool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The processpool submodule contains a custom process-pool, with some additional features not present in standard
Python processpool management, e.g. timeouts.

from time import sleep
import datetime
import traceback
import heapq

from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe, cpu_count

from multiprocessing.pool import Pool

exception_debugging = False

[docs]class Future(object): command = None args = None kwargs = None value = None error = None process = None pool = None priority = 0 status = None timeout = 0 started_at = None def __init__(self): pass def __lt__(self, other): # dummy return self.priority < other.priority
[docs] def wait(self, time=None): pass
[docs] def fail(self): self.status, (self.value, self.error) = True, (None, None) if self.process: self.process.terminate() self.pool.report_broken_process(self.process) else: self.pool.future_became_ready(self)
[docs] def ready(self): if self.status: return self.status if self.process is None: # not scheduled yet return False if self.timeout > 0: now = if (now - self.started_at).total_seconds() > self.timeout: # we reached a hard timeout try: self.process.terminate() # kill(, SIGINT) sleep(0.25) except Exception as e: print(repr(e)) # self.process.terminate() self.pool.report_broken_process(self.process) self.status, (self.value, self.error) = \ True, (None, RuntimeError('Process took longer than specified timeout and was terminated.')) return if not self.process.is_alive(): exitcode = self.process.exitcode self.pool.report_broken_process(self.process) self.status, (self.value, self.error) = \ True, (None, RuntimeError('Process trying to work on this future died. Exitcode: %d' % (exitcode,))) return self.status, (self.value, self.error) = self.process.ready() if self.status: self.pool.future_became_ready(self) return self.status
[docs] def get(self): not_ready = True while not_ready: not_ready = not self.ready() if self.error: raise self.error else: return self.value
[docs] def dispatch(self): self.started_at = self.process.dispatch()
[docs]class WrappedException(RuntimeError): exception = None message = None def __init__(self, exception, message=''): self.exception = exception self.message = message
[docs]class FutureProcess(Process): STARTUP = 0 RUN = 1 STOP = 2 def __init__(self): super(FutureProcess, self).__init__() self.future = None self.pipe_parent_end, self.pipe_child_end = Pipe()
[docs] def run(self): while True: command_type, command, args, kwargs = self.pipe_child_end.recv() if command_type == FutureProcess.STOP: break if command_type == FutureProcess.STARTUP and command is None: continue result = None exc = None try: result = command(*args, **kwargs) except Exception as e: exc = WrappedException(e, traceback.format_exc()) if command_type == FutureProcess.STARTUP: continue self.pipe_child_end.send((result, exc,))
[docs] def send_command(self, *args): self.pipe_parent_end.send(args)
[docs] def dispatch(self): self.send_command(FutureProcess.RUN, self.future.command, self.future.args, self.future.kwargs)
[docs] def ready(self): if self.pipe_parent_end.poll(): return True, self.pipe_parent_end.recv() else: return False, (None, None,)
[docs]class SimpleProcessPool(object):
[docs] def new_process(self): p = FutureProcess() p.start() p.send_command(*self.startup_message) return p
[docs] def fill_pool(self): for _ in range(self.count - (len(self.waiting_processes) + len(self.active_processes))): self.waiting_processes.add(self.new_process())
def __init__(self, processes=0, initializer=None, initargs=None, initkwargs=None, future_timeout=0): if initargs is None: initargs = () if initkwargs is None: initkwargs = {} self.startup_message = (FutureProcess.STARTUP, initializer, initargs, initkwargs) if processes == 0: processes = cpu_count() self.future_timeout = future_timeout self.count = processes self.waiting_processes = set() self.active_processes = set() self.fill_pool() self.active_futures = set() self.waiting_futures = [] # priority queue self.closing = False
[docs] def close(self): self.closing = True self.schedule()
[docs] def report_broken_process(self, p): f = p.future if p in self.active_processes: self.active_processes.remove(p) if p in self.waiting_processes: # print("found a process where it does not belong", p) self.waiting_processes.remove(p) if f in self.active_futures: self.active_futures.remove(f) if f in self.waiting_futures: # remove one entry, rebuild self.waiting_futures.remove(f) heapq.heapify(self.waiting_futures) # if f in self.waiting_futures: # #print("found a future where it does not belong", f) # self.waiting_futures.remove(f) self.fill_pool() self.schedule()
[docs] def apply(self, command, *args, **kwargs): return self.advanced_apply(command=command, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
[docs] def advanced_apply(self, command=None, priority=0, args=None, kwargs=None): if args is None: args = tuple() if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} f = Future() f.command = command f.args = args f.kwargs = kwargs f.priority = priority f.timeout = self.future_timeout f.pool = self # self.waiting_futures.add(f) heapq.heappush(self.waiting_futures, f) self.schedule() return f
# ugly signature
[docs] def apply_async(self, fun, args=None, kwargs=None): if args is None: args = {} if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} return self.apply(fun, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def future_became_ready(self, f): if f in self.active_futures: self.active_futures.remove(f) if f.process in self.active_processes: self.active_processes.remove(f.process) if f.process: self.waiting_processes.add(f.process) self.schedule()
[docs] def schedule(self): for f in self.active_futures.copy(): f.ready() while len(self.waiting_processes) > 0: if len(self.waiting_futures) == 0: break # f = self.waiting_futures.pop() f = heapq.heappop(self.waiting_futures) p = self.waiting_processes.pop() f.process = p p.future = f self.active_processes.add(p) self.active_futures.add(f) f.dispatch() if self.closing: while len(self.waiting_processes) > 0: p = self.waiting_processes.pop() p.send_command(FutureProcess.STOP, None, [], {}) self.active_processes.add(p)
[docs]class DuckTypedApplyResult(object): def __init__(self, callable_): self.value = None self.called = False self.callable = callable_ # noinspection PyMethodMayBeStatic
[docs] def ready(self): return True
[docs] def wait(self, timeout): pass
[docs] def fail(self): self.value = None self.called = True
[docs] def get(self): if not self.called: self.value = None try: self.value = self.callable() except Exception as e: if exception_debugging: raise raise WrappedException(e, traceback.format_exc()) return self.value
# noinspection PyAbstractClass,PyUnusedLocal
[docs]class NormalPool(Pool):
[docs] def advanced_apply(self, command, args, **kwargs): return self.apply(func=command, args=args)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]class InProcessFakePool(object):
[docs] @staticmethod def advanced_apply(command, args, **kwargs): def _bind_it(inner_args): def _perform(): return command(*inner_args) return _perform return DuckTypedApplyResult(_bind_it(args))
[docs] def close(self): pass