Source code for mycelyso.processing.binarization

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The binarization module contains the binarization routine used to segment phase contrast images of 
mycelium networks into foreground and background.

import warnings
import numpy as np

    import numexpr
except ImportError:
    numexpr = None

from skimage.transform import integral_image
from skimage.feature import shape_index
from skimage.filters import rank

[docs]def mean_and_std(image, window_size=15): """ Helper function returning mean and average images sped up using integral images / summed area tables. :param image: Input image :param window_size: Window size :return: tuple (mean, std) """ enlarged = np.pad(image.astype(np.float64), window_size, 'reflect') def integral_image_and_squared(image): cv2 = None # could be sped up using OpenCV if cv2: sums_, sqsums_ = cv2.integral2(image) return sums_[1:, 1:], sqsums_[1:, 1:] else: return integral_image(image), integral_image(image ** 2) ints, ints_sq = integral_image_and_squared(enlarged) def calculate_sums(mat): a = mat[:-2 * window_size, :-2 * window_size] b = mat[2 * window_size:, 2 * window_size:] c = mat[:-2 * window_size, 2 * window_size:] d = mat[2 * window_size:, :-2 * window_size] if numexpr: return numexpr.evaluate("(a + b) - (c + d)").astype(np.float32) else: return (a + b) - (c + d) sums = calculate_sums(ints) sums_squared = calculate_sums(ints_sq) area = (2.0 * window_size + 1) ** 2 mean = sums / area if numexpr: std = numexpr.evaluate("sqrt(sums_squared / area - mean ** 2)") else: std = np.sqrt(sums_squared / area - mean ** 2) return mean, std
[docs]def normalize(image): """ Normalizes an image to the range 0-1 :param image: :return: """ image = image.astype(np.float32) image -= image.min() image /= image.max() return image
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def sauvola(image, window_size=15, k=0.5, r=128, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Sauvola1997]_. .. [Sauvola1997] Sauvola et al. (1997) Proc. Doc. Anal. Recog. DOI: `10.1109/ICDAR.1997.619831 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param window_size: Window size :param k: k value :param r: r value :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate("mean * (1.0 + k * ((std / r) - 1.0))") else: threshold = mean * (1.0 + k * ((std / r) - 1.0)) if return_threshold: return threshold else: return image < threshold
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def phansalkar(image, window_size=15, k=0.25, r=0.5, p=2.0, q=10.0, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Phansalkar2011]_. .. [Phansalkar2011] Phansalkar et al. (2011) Proc. ICCSP DOI: `10.1109/ICCSP.2011.5739305 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param window_size: Window size :param k: k value :param r: r value :param p: p value :param q: q value :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ original_image = image.copy() image = normalize(image) mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate("mean * (1.0 + p * exp(-q * mean) + k * ((std / r) - 1.0))") else: threshold = mean * (1.0 + p * np.exp(-q * mean) + k * ((std / r) - 1.0)) if return_threshold: image_range = original_image.max()-original_image.min() return threshold * image_range + original_image.min() else: return image < threshold
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyPep8Naming
[docs]def wolf(image, mask=None, window_size=15, a=0.5, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Wolf2004]_. .. [Wolf2004] Wolf & Jolion (2004) Form. Pattern Anal. & App. DOI: `10.1007/s10044-003-0197-7 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param mask: Possible mask denoting a ROI :param window_size: Window size :param a: a value :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) if mask is not None: M = image[mask].min() R = std[mask].max() else: M = image.min() R = std.max() if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate("(1-a) * mean + a*M + a*(std/R)*(mean - M)") else: threshold = (1-a) * mean + a*M + a*(std/R)*(mean - M) if return_threshold: return threshold else: return image < threshold
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyUnusedLocal,PyPep8Naming
[docs]def feng(image, mask=None, window_size=15, window_size2=30, a1=0.12, gamma=2, k1=0.25, k2=0.04, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Feng2004]_. .. [Feng2004] Fend & Tan (2004) IEICE Electronics Express DOI: `10.1587/elex.1.501 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param mask: Possible mask denoting a ROI :param window_size: Window size :param window_size2: Second window size :param a1: a1 value :param gamma: gamma value :param k1: k1 value :param k2: k2 value :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) mean2, std2 = mean_and_std(image, window_size2) M = rank.minimum(image, np.ones((window_size, window_size))) # what exactly do they mean? maximum of window? Rs = rank.maximum(std2.astype(np.uint8), np.ones((window_size2, window_size2))) if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate("""( (1 - a1) * mean + (k1 * (std / Rs) ** gamma) * (std/Rs) * (mean - M) + (k2 * (std / Rs) ** gamma) * M )""") else: a2 = k1 * (std / Rs) ** gamma a3 = k2 * (std / Rs) ** gamma threshold = (1 - a1) * mean + a2 * (std/Rs) * (mean - M) + a3 * M if return_threshold: return threshold else: return image < threshold
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def nick(image, window_size=15, k=-0.1, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Khurshid2009]_. .. [Khurshid2009] Khurshid et al. (2009) Proc. SPIE DOI: `10.1117/12.805827 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param window_size: Window size :param k: k value :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) if numexpr: image_size = image.size image_sq_sum = (image**2).sum() threshold = numexpr.evaluate("mean + k * sqrt((image_sq_sum - mean**2)/image_size)") else: threshold = mean + k * np.sqrt(((image**2).sum() - mean**2)/image.size) if return_threshold: return threshold else: return image < threshold
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def bataineh(image, mask=None, window_size=15, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ Thresholding method as developed by [Bataineh2011a]_. .. [Bataineh2011a] Bataineh et al. (2011) Pattern Recognit. Lett. DOI: `10.1016/j.patrec.2011.08.001 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param mask: Possible mask denoting a ROI :param window_size: Window size :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ mean, std = mean_and_std(image, window_size) if mask is not None: adaptive_stddev = (std - std[mask].min()) / (std[mask].max() - std[mask].min()) image_mean = image[mask].mean() else: adaptive_stddev = (std - std.min()) / (std.max() - std.min()) image_mean = image.mean() if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate("mean - ((mean**2.0 - std) / ((image_mean + std) * (std + adaptive_stddev)))") else: threshold = mean - ((mean**2.0 - std) / ((image_mean + std) * (std + adaptive_stddev))) if return_threshold: return threshold else: return image < threshold
# I had highly optimized versions of sub functions of these, mainly # using cv2, however to keep installation easy, I've replaced them by slower scikit-image etc. functions # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def experimental_thresholding(image, mask=None, window_size=15, gaussian_sigma=3.0, shift=0.2, target=-0.5, quotient=1.2, return_threshold=False, **kwargs): """ A novel thresholding method basing upon the shape index as defined by [Koenderink1992]_, and [Bataineh2011]_ automatic adaptive thresholding. The method is due to be explained in detail in the future. .. [Koenderink1992] Koenderink and van Doorn (1992) Image Vision Comput. DOI: `10.1016/0262-8856(92)90076-F <>`_ .. [Bataineh2011] Bataineh et al. (2011) Pattern Recognit. Lett. DOI: `10.1016/j.patrec.2011.08.001 <>`_ :param image: Input image :param mask: Possible mask denoting a ROI :param window_size: Window size :param gaussian_sigma: Sigma of the Gaussian used for smoothing :param shift: Shift parameter :param target: Target shape index parameter :param quotient: Quotient parameter :param return_threshold: Whether to return a binarization, or the actual threshold values :param kwargs: For compatibility :return: """ # novel method based upon shape index and Bataineh thresholding means, stddev = mean_and_std(image, window_size) with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): sim = shape_index(image, gaussian_sigma) if mask is not None: adaptive_stddev = (stddev - stddev[mask].min()) / (stddev[mask].max() - stddev[mask].min()) image_mean = image[mask].mean() else: adaptive_stddev = (stddev - stddev.min()) / (stddev.max() - stddev.min()) image_mean = image.mean() if numexpr: threshold = numexpr.evaluate( "(exp((-(sim - target)**2)/quotient) + shift)*" "means*" "((image_mean + stddev) * (stddev + adaptive_stddev))/(means**2 - stddev)" ) else: threshold = ( (np.exp((-(sim - target)**2)/quotient) + shift) * means * ((image_mean + stddev) * (stddev + adaptive_stddev))/(means**2 - stddev) ) if return_threshold: return threshold else: with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore') return image < threshold