Source code for mycelyso.pilyso.steps.steps

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The steps file contains various generally reusable image processing steps.

import hashlib
from base64 import b64encode

import numpy as np
import scipy.ndimage as ndi
from ..imagestack.imagestack import Dimensions
from ..application.application import Meta

from mfisp_boxdetection import find_box
from molyso.generic.rotation import find_rotation, rotate_image
from molyso.generic.registration import translation_2x1d, shift_image
from ..pipeline.executor import Skip, Collected
from ..misc.h5writer import CompressedObject

[docs]class Delete(object): pass
[docs]class Compress(object): pass
[docs]def set_result(**kwargs): def _inner(result): for k, v in kwargs.items(): if v is Delete: del result[k] elif v is Compress: result[k] = CompressedObject(result[k]) else: result[k] = v return result return _inner
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def image_source(ims, meta, image=None): return ims.view(Dimensions.Position, Dimensions.Time)[meta.pos, meta.t]
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def calculate_image_sha256_hash(image, image_sha256_hash=None): hasher = hashlib.sha256() hasher.update(image.tobytes()) hash_value = b64encode(hasher.digest()).decode() return hash_value
[docs]def image_to_ndarray(image): return np.array(image)
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def pull_metadata_from_image(image, timepoint=None, position=None, calibration=None): return image, image.meta.time, image.meta.position, image.meta.calibration
_substract_start_frame_start_images = {} # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def substract_start_frame(meta, ims, reference_timepoint, image, subtracted_image=None): gaussian_blur_radius = 15.0 if meta.pos not in _substract_start_frame_start_images: reference = image_source(ims, Meta(t=reference_timepoint, pos=meta.pos)) blurred = ndi.gaussian_filter(reference, gaussian_blur_radius) _substract_start_frame_start_images[meta.pos] = blurred else: blurred = _substract_start_frame_start_images[meta.pos] image = image.astype(np.float32) image /= blurred image -= image.min() image /= image.max() return image
_box_cache_fft_cache = {} _box_cache_boxes = {} _box_cache_angles = {} def _box_detection_get_parameters(ims, timepoint, pos): reference = image_source(ims, Meta(t=timepoint, pos=pos)) angle = find_rotation(reference) reference = rotate_image(reference, angle) shift, fft_a = translation_2x1d(image_a=reference, image_b=reference, return_a=True) try: reference = reference.astype(np.float32) cleaned_reference = reference - ndi.uniform_filter(reference, 25) # "box" blur cleaned_reference[cleaned_reference < 0] = 0 cleaned_reference /= cleaned_reference.max() # qimshow(cleaned_reference) crop = find_box(cleaned_reference, throw=True, subsample=2) t, b, l, r = crop cleaned_reference[t, :] = 1 cleaned_reference[b, :] = 1 cleaned_reference[:, l] = 1 cleaned_reference[:, r] = 1 except RuntimeError: # noinspection PyCompatibility raise Skip(Meta(pos=pos, t=Collected)) from None return angle, fft_a, crop # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def box_detection(ims, image, meta, reference_timepoint, shift=None, crop=None, angle=None): # probably implement a voting scheme? if meta.pos not in _box_cache_boxes: _box_cache_angles[meta.pos], _box_cache_fft_cache[meta.pos], _box_cache_boxes[meta.pos] = \ _box_detection_get_parameters(ims, reference_timepoint, meta.pos) angle = _box_cache_angles[meta.pos] image = rotate_image(image, angle) shift, = translation_2x1d(image_a=None, image_b=image, ffts_a=_box_cache_fft_cache[meta.pos]) crop = _box_cache_boxes[meta.pos] return shift, crop, angle
[docs]def create_boxcrop_from_subtracted_image(subtracted_image, shift, angle, crop, result): result.shift_x = shift[0] result.shift_y = shift[1] result.crop_t, result.crop_b, result.crop_l, result.crop_r = crop t, b, l, r = crop subtracted_image = rotate_image(subtracted_image, angle) subtracted_image = shift_image(subtracted_image, shift, background='blank') box = subtracted_image[t:b, l:r] result.image = box return result
[docs]def rescale_image_to_uint8(image): image = image.astype(np.float32) image -= image.min() image /= image.max() image *= 255.0 return image.astype(np.uint8)
[docs]def copy_calibration(collected, result): calibrations = np.array([item['calibration'] for item in collected.values()]) calibration = calibrations[0] if not (calibrations == calibration).all(): print("WARNING: Calibration of individual timepoints is not identical. This is highly unexpected behavior.") result.calibration = calibration return result